Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Salam Guys,
Started the blog. First khotbe is that of Qase'e. This is when Imam Ali is describing the point that Sheytan did not bow to Prophet Adam when commanded by Allah. After so many years of ebadat, and of obedience, one instance he goes from 100 to 0. Some things I was thinking about:

  • Even if you are a frequent masjid goer and pray a lot you are not safe from disobeying Allah, aka taqwa is very necessary AT ALL TIMES.
  • If anyone other than Allah had commanded, this would have been one of the biggest sins. Something that we believe to be haram can be made halal if it comes from Allah. In other words, if we have a valee, do we consider that as part of Allah's command? To what extent?
  • Allah could have made Adam out of anything, why out of clay? Then he had to "blow" from his essence into Adam to give him life (fa itha nafakhto feehe men roohee), nafakha, I have only seen used in two places, one here, and one when Ezraeil blows the trumpet, have you all seen it anywhere else?
Well, I think that gets the ball rolling. Given we only meet for one hour (actually just barely) and we're all running around, we can all at least take time to keep up with the blog.

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